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c-treeDB C API Function ReferenceFunction DescriptionsctdbGetFieldHandle

FairCom DB API for C

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Retrieve a Field Handle.


CTHANDLE ctdbGetFieldHandle(CTHANDLE Handle)


ctdbGetFieldHandle() retrieves a Field Handle. This function can be used to test if a handle is really a field handle. For example, assume a function should take a field handle, but inside the function you cast the CTHANDLE type to the field CTDFIELD structure. For safety, it is a good idea to make sure that the handle is really a field handle as shown in the example below. Another minor reason for this call is to perform a ctdbSWTCREEI() call.

CTBOOL IsFieldNumeric(CTHANDLE hField)



pCTDBFIELD pField = (pCTDBFIELD)ctdbGetFieldHandle(hField);

if (!pField)


printf("Error: hField is not a field handle");




return Retval;


To allocate a field handle, use ctdbAllocField().

  • Handle [in] may be a field handle, an index handle, or a segment handle.


ctdbGetFieldHandle() returns a field handle on success or NULL on error.

See also

ctdbAllocField(), ctdbGetRecordHandle(), ctdbGetIndexHandle(), ctdbGetSegmentHandle()
