Unicode support is currently available for any client when connecting to the c-tree Server for Windows or Mac OS X and for FairCom DB Standalone libraries under Windows or Mac OS X. For client operation, ensure you install the c-tree Server for Windows or Mac OS X WITH Unicode support.
When building the FairCom DB libraries, execute mtmake with the "u" flag
mtmake u
to prepare the library for Unicode support. Standalone and client builds need the ICU libraries from the ICU web site, as described in next chapter.
FairCom DB API C and C++ Unicode support is activated by defining macro ctdbUNICODE. ctdbUNICODE is activated automatically when ctUNICODE is selected with the mtmake build utility:
---- FairCom c-tree Plus UniCode Support ----
This version of c-tree Plus provides support for UNICODE field types.
Do you want to support UniCode field types? (Y)es (N)o (D)efaults- [N]: y