Product Documentation

ODBC - c-tree Plus Edition

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Browse Method

This method allows you to browse in search of the c-tree Plus files to be included in the FairCom Data Dictionary. Enable this feature by specifying a wild card identifier in the Script Name setting of the c-tree ODBC Driver setup window, as follows:

  1. Access the c-tree ODBC Driver setup window by selecting the ODBC icon from the Control Panel. Highlight the appropriate c-tree ODBC Driver and click Configure....
  2. In the c-tree ODBC Driver setup window, enter a desired database file name filter by inserta file name and wildcard combination (as discussed below) into the Script Name prompt. The two standard wild cards supported are as follows:

    * match all characters

    ? match a single character

    For example, with the following c-tree Plus files: ABBC.DAT, ABCD.DAT, and ABDD.DAT.

    • Entering AB* matches all three files.
    • Entering AB?D.DAT matches ABCD.DAT and ABDD.DAT only.

    The figure below shows a wildcard search for *.dat, finding all files that have a .dat file extension.

  3. Once the Script Name setting contains a wildcard, close the Setup window by clicking OK. In the Data Sources window, select OK.
  4. The first ODBC compliant application that selects the c-tree ODBC Driver will cause a Database File Selection window to appear asking if you “want to browse for the files to be used by this ODBC Driver”. By answering Yes, you are presented with the screen listed below in the figure below.

  5. From the File Browse window, highlight the files you would like available to the c-tree ODBC Driver. Please note the following two points:
    • To select multiple files, hold down the shift key or control key while selecting files.
    • Files can be selected only from one directory at a time. If you have files in multiple directories, select all of the files from the first directory then select OK. After inserting these files, the c-tree ODBC Driver will ask if you wish to select additional files. If so, this will be your opportunity to include files from other directories and append them into one common FairCom Data Dictionary.
  6. Once you have selected all of the files, answer “No” to indicate that there are no more files to select. The c-tree ODBC Driver will automatically create the FairCom Data Dictionary, CTSYSCAT.FCS.
