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FairCom RTG SQL AccessACUCOBOL API for SQL Conversion Error Checkingct_XDDCheck

FairCom RTG BTRV User Guide

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cbDLLexport LONG ct_XDDCheck( pVOID hdl, pUTEXT buffer, LONG buflen, pTEXT msg, pLONG offset, pLONG size, pLONG type)

This function accepts:

hdl: the handle returned by a ct_XDDOpen call

buffer: pointer to the buffer to be analized

buflen: significant len of the buffer

msg: pointer to a 256 bytes buffer for error message description

offset: pointer to a 4 bytes variable where the logic stores the offset of the first field having a problem

size: pointer to a 4 bytes variable where the logic stores the size of the first field having a problem

type: pointer to a 4 bytes variable where the logic stores the type of the first field having a problem (value as defined by the enum in ctcbxdd.h)


This function returns 0 if no error is encountered. It returns an error code (enum XDD_CONV_RET value) in case of an error. It also returns a message (the msg parameter is a pointer to this message).

The function checks the buffer for conversion from Btrieve to SQL based on the XDD specifications. It stops at the first error and returns information about the error. In case of a multi-record table, it scans through all the possible schema that apply to the buffer.

Return Values

See XDDCHECK Errors for a complete listing of valid FairCom RTG XDDCHECK API error values.

See Also
