Product Documentation

FairCom RTG Server SetupInstalling & Configuring the FairCom DB Server

FairCom RTG BTRV User Guide

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Installing & Configuring the FairCom DB Server

FairCom RTG BTRV includes a specific version of the well-known FairCom DB database engine, called FairCom RTG, which integrates server-side logic to implement many of the product requirements.

The server must be installed as described in this section, FairCom RTG Server Setup.

The server must be configured as described in FairCom RTG Configuration.

Note: FairCom RTG V3 is based on the latest version of the powerful FairCom Server. The version numbers returned from utilities may reflect the underlying core version number of this server, which is currently V12.

Once the FairCom RTG BTRV driver and the FairCom RTG Server have been installed and configured, FairCom RTG BTRV should be transparent to your application. Your application should operate the same as it has prior to installing FairCom RTG BTRV.

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FairCom RTG for Windows

The FairCom RTG installer for Windows creates a Microsoft Windows service that automatically starts the database engine at Windows startup. This allows for seamless and unattended operation. Use the standard Windows service control panels to start/stop and configure various service options.

VSS Backup - FairCom RTG for Windows supports the Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) Writer for backups. This support is supplied as a dynamic link library (c-treeACEVSSWriter.dll) that allows Windows VSS Backup to be used. See VSS Integration in the Technical White Papers on the FairCom website.

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FairCom RTG for Unix/Linux

The FairCom RTG tar archive for Unix/Linux contains a ready-to-run FairCom DB database engine:

cd /FairCom/Vx.x.x.RTG/<platform>/server/


Feel free to include it along with your /etc/init.d startup scripts for fully unattended operation. Consult your local system administrator for details about specific machine configurations.

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Configure the FairCom RTG Server

Note: The FairCom RTG server (a specialized version of FairCom DB) is configured separately from the FairCom RTG client. Client configuration is discussed in the next section, FairCom RTG Configuration.

ctreeRTG configuration

For information about configuring the FairCom RTG Client, see the FairCom RTG Configuration chapter in this manual.

For information about configuring the FairCom RTG Server, refer to the Configuring the FairCom DB Server chapter of the FairCom DB Server Administrator's Guide.

The FairCom RTG Server has a multitude of options for configuring many of the various database subsystems including:

  • Data and index cache control
  • Transaction logging features
  • Memory files
  • Backup scripts
  • Diagnostic options
  • Operational statistics logging

Unless otherwise instructed, the FairCom RTG Server starts with default settings for all configurable parameters. The FairCom RTG Server takes configuration instructions from a configuration file, ctsrvr.cfg, placed in the FairCom RTG Server directory. When the FairCom RTG Server finds a ctsrvr.cfg file, it uses all the specified configuration values.

FairCom RTG is delivered with appropriate settings for the server. If you want to change these settings, the ctsrvr.cfg file can be edited using the FairCom DB Config Manager, located in: FairCom\vX.X.X.RTG\<win*>\Tools\gui\c-treeConfigManager.exe (where FairCom\vX.X.X.RTG\<win*>\ is the installation directory) for Windows installations, or simply edit this file using any text editor on Unix/Linux systems.

For more information, refer to Configuring the FairCom DB Server in the FairCom DB Server Administrator's Guide.
