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Advanced InstallationSystem RequirementsFairCom Server for Windows.NET Framework Requirements for FairCom DB GUI tools

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.NET Framework Requirements for FairCom DB GUI tools

One of the FairCom DB GUI Tool implementations (located by default in \FairCom\V*\Win*\tools\guitools) requires the following versions of Microsoft .NET Framework to be available:

  • FairCom DB V11.5 requires Microsoft .NET 4.0 Framework.
  • FairCom DB V11.0 requires Microsoft .NET 4.0 Framework.
  • FairCom DB V10.3 requires Microsoft .NET 4.0 Framework.

FairCom DB V10 requires at least Framework Version 3.5 SP1 complete (e.g., the complete version, not just the "client" version).

In This Section

.NET Tools for VS2010 - All projects updated to use .NET Framework v4.0

.NET - Removed STRONGSIGN from assemblies

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.NET Tools for VS2010 - All projects updated to use .NET Framework v4.0

All the .NET projects for VS2010 have been updated to use the v4.0 .NET framework. If you target the .NET v3.5 framework, it uses the VS2008 compiler 'tool chain' which can result in an internal compiler error in VS2010. The target framework was changed to v4.0 in the *_v10.sln files to eliminate that error.

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.NET - Removed STRONGSIGN from assemblies

To be more compliant with standard practice for C# programmers, STRONGSIGN has been removed from .NET assemblies. We no longer force the assembly to be signed with the FairCom key. This allows developers to sign with their own key, which they can keep secret.
