Product Documentation

c-treeRTG V2 Update Guide

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ctutil -test filerules option to print the file rule sequence for file matching

This useful new ctutil option prints out the list of file rules in the sequence they are considered when matching file names. This feature is useful for debugging and to understand why a file gets matched to an unexpected rule.

The new ctutil -test filerules option will print the file rules in the order they will be considered by c-treeRTG at runtime when matching a filename:

ctutil -test filerules

Initialized from (ctree.conf)

<file name="*" dir="mydir" casesensitive="yes" type="*"/>

<file name="myfil" dir="*" casesensitive="yes" type="*"/>

<file name="*" dir="*" casesensitive="yes" priority="-32767" type="*"/>

Operation completed successfully.
