c-treeRTG V2 Update Guide

c-treeRTG Version 2 Highlights
SQL Leverages the Value of Your Data
SQL Indexes on Your COBOL Tables Improve Performance
Navigate Your SQL Data with SQL Explorer
Tighter Integration with Your COBOL Applications
Ease of Use
RTG Migrate Helps You Move into c-treeRTG
We Didn't Forget the ctmigra Command-Line Utility
RTG Config Tool Gets You Going in a Hurry
Client Configuration Tool
New Configuration Options for the Perfect “Tune-Up”
New POWER in the Command-Line Utilities
File Copy Between Servers Simplifies Administration
Improved Tutorials Lend a Helping Hand
Sqlize Tutorial
Server Engine Serves You Better
Great Performance News for OLTP Applications
Coordinate Application Recovery with Transaction Restore Points
More V11 Features in c-treeRTG V2
Copy Files Between Servers
NODE_DELAY default value changed from 75 to 0
Expect Faster Application Throughput from Automatic Transaction Optimization
Latest c-treeACE SQL Features
c-treeRTG V2 Quick Guide to Upgrade Procedures
c-treeRTG V2 Update Details
New SQL Enhancements
SQL Indexes on COBOL Files
SQL create index logic on date/time fields
Create and Alter Table Support for COBOL Files
Right-justified strings (JustAN field type) mapped to SQL
Variable-length fields mapped into LONGVAR* SQL field
c-treeRTG V2: More Power to You
File copy between heterogeneous servers
Relaxed index re-organization errors on redefined schema affecting index definition (WHENFULL)
Conform file locking behavior to ACUCOBOL's V_INTERNAL_LOCKS when <runitlockdetect> set to 'no'
Improved isCOBOL compatibility for UNLOCK operation
Improved log output with file names on ERROR entries
Generic debug log messages
c-treeRTG introduces support for ExtFH File Information operation
c-treeRTG Configuration
Easily Achieve the Perfect Setup with the New Configuration Tool
New Basic Configuration dialog
Configuration Tool now recognizes "priority" and "casesensitivity" attributes
Added configuration elements to the Configuration Tool
File organization specification in configuration file
<config filematch> attribute to specify file matching precedence algorithm
<forcedelete> Configuration Option to Force Deletion of Orphan Files
<locktimeout> configuration option to set blocking lock timeout
<forcedelete> - File delete correctly handles missing file with <forcedelete> enabled
<log><error> types added: <locked>, <missingfile>, and <undefined>
<log><debug><transaction> configuration to debug transactions
<log><debug><transaction> additions
<log file> attribute now supports substitution specifiers
<normalize> configuration option to normalize file paths
<normalize> options to handle relative paths
<sqlize> attributes substitution specifier support
<temporary> configuration element to create files with reduced disk I/O
<trxholdslocks> config option sets transaction lock behavior
CTREE_CONF_DUMP environment variable to specify configuration dump file
c-treeRTG Data Migration
RTG Migrate Improvements
ctree.conf creation
Test Connection button
"Append" option
Added casesensitive keyword and textfield to set configuration file
Options to set encryption, data compression, and transaction processing
Added "Select All" and removed Check Box from directories
RTG Migrate path separators
Shell Script to run RTG Migrate with proper environment
ctmigra Updates
Options to replace existing file and disable batchaddition
ctmigra --quiet and --verbose options to select output information
Support for ExtFH
ctmigra displays progress
Detects missing or invalid library
Error messages have been improved
ctmigra added to c-treeRTG cmdline and guitools.java directories - Windows
More ctmigra enhancements
c-treeRTG Graphical Tools
RTG Migrate
RTG Config
c-treeACE SQL Explorer
Viewing Sqlized Tables
Create indexes on sqlized tables with c-treeACE SQL Explorer (.NET & Java) context menu
Check Bad Records button in c-treeACE SQL Explorer (.NET & Java)
c-treeRTG Command-Line Utilities
Create permanent index on-the-fly
Option to dump configuration in XML format
Scan all records of a table to find conversion errors easily
ctutil -check option (-x) to scan a file for integrity issues
ctutil -clone to create empty copy of existing file
ctutil -run to execute multiple ctutil commands
ctutil -sqlcheck enhanced to return all problems in the table
ctutil -sqlcheck enhanced to print on stderr errors during XDD parsing and interpretation
ctutil -test filerules option to print the file rule sequence for file matching
ctutil -upgrade switch
ctutil -unload option -k to read/write records in index order
ctutil -load -r2 option
ctutil sqlize options password requirement removed
ctstat reports more detailed timing information for performance profiling
ctadmn shows detail in last function
xddgen now allows names larger than 31 chars
Suppress Dash or Replace with Underscore
Configuration Files Directory
Parsing improvements
Improved and clearer error/warning messages
More xddgen enhancements
Additional c-treeRTG Command-Line Tools
Core Server Enhancements from c-treeACE
Delayed Durability Transaction Log Mode for Performance
Performance Gains
Modified Log Sync Strategy
Delayed Durability Behavior
Controls for Performance AND Safety of Non-Transaction Updates
Monitoring Delayed Durability Performance
New Stored Procedure Development Frameworks
Utilities to Dump and Deploy SP, UDF & Triggers
Millisecond Timestamp Resolution
Table Lock Support
IPv6 Support
Transaction Restore Points for Application Recovery
Transaction Restore Points
Support for authentication files created with ctcmdset
Support for retrieving locker ID in ACUCOBOL
Delete-flag support for <ctfixed> files to resolve c-tree errors 553 & 21
Notable Compatibility Changes
Improved updates during scans on duplicate index now only updates record once
Improved isCOBOL compatibility for UNLOCK operation
ctutil returns syntax error if configuration file does not exist
Error 12 creating a file when iscobol.file.index.data_suffix= is set to a space
Error 26 (FACS_ERR) mapped to BTRV error B_FILE_NOT_OPEN
Error 9D:160 during READ NEXT/PREV
Improved error mapping in BTRV interface
Return appropriate BTRV error in case of dead lock
Return error when unsupported key flag is passed from BTRV
Unexpected 4113 error (CTDBRET_CALLBACK_5)
Unexpected 9D, 160 error during READ NEXT/PREV and REWRITE/DELETE operations
Behavior Change: Default <instance> attributes for isCOBOL
Introducing Version 2 of c-treeRTG BTRV Edition
New: c-treeRTG BTRV Edition Now Supports SQL
SQL Schema Extractor Tool
Sqlize BTRV files
Expanded, More Comprehensive BTRV API
BTRV Extended Index Types
ACS support
UNLOCK operation
AUTOINC fields
BTRV function ordinal settings
Support for BTRV Create Index Operation
Support for BTRV Add Index and Extended Index modes
Adding an index to a data file open in shared mode
Support for Exclusive Transactions in c-treeRTG BTRV Edition
Easy Migration to c-treeRTG BTRV Edition
ctmigra utility to migrate data using BTRV interface
ctmigra option to specify BTRV owner
Support for converting Btrieve DDF into c-tree XDD
Advanced Features Make c-treeRTG BTRV Edition More Powerful
Multi-thread support
Support for redirecting BTRV calls to other BTRV interfaces
Support for reading extra file/key definitions from a resource
Support for returning 8-byte record position
Improved Error Reporting
Improved error mapping in BTRV interface
Return appropriate BTRV error in case of dead lock
Return error when unsupported key flag is passed from BTRV
BTRV Tutorial
FairCom Typographical Conventions
Copyright Notice