Product Documentation

FairCom RTG V3 Update Guide

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ctutil Changes

The following changes have been made to the ctutil utility:

  1. A new -f option for ctutil -info and -unload commands (ctutil -info -f and -unload -f) to open a file even if it is corrupted (i.e., file open returns c-tree error 14 FCRP_ERR). Note this modification deprecates the generic ctutil option -s that was doing the same thing and was used only by -info and -unload commands.
  2. The ctutil -load command now supports a "new file" option: -n. When this option is used, any data in the destination file is eliminated before the records are loaded from the source file.
  3. ctutil -tron file T|P|F|W - now displays a message at the conclusion of the requested operation indicating success or an error message in the case of a failed operation. As a refresher, recall you don’t include the file extension when passing the file name (e.g. myfile instead of the full file name with extension, like myfile.dat). The "T|P|F|W" settings are:

    T – enable transaction support with full logging (Transaction (TRNLOG) mode);

    P – enable transaction support without logging (Pre Image (PREIMG) mode);

    F – disable transaction support – indicating your data integrity will be impacted;

    W – enable synchronous writes to disk – this mode is slightly faster than T, but provides better data integrity than mode F.

  4. ctutil -fileid resets the unique file ID of a file that has been copied outside of FairCom RTG (for example a file system copy command).
  5. ctutil -compress/-uncompress – now reports a message at the conclusion of the operation indicating if the file was successfully compressed or uncompressed.
  6. ctutil -sqlrefresh is very similar to "-sqlize", "-sqlrefresh":
    1. it can be used only if the table was already sqlized
    2. it refreshes the table structure maintaining the existing grants and synonyms
    3. does not support "public" option available in "-sqlize" since authorizations are kept from the original sqlize and grants that occurred in SQL
  7. ctutil -run executes multiple ctutil commands in a single run to avoid program initialization overhead, see ctutil -run
  8. The following obsolete ctutil commands have been deprecated:
    • -param (display parameter file) is obsolete.
    • -loadtext (import from line sequential file) has been replaced by the -t option of the -load command.
    • -unloadtext (export from line sequential file) has been replaced by the -t option of the -unload command.
