Product Documentation

c-treeRTG V3 Update Guide

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Up to 3x Faster Overall Performance

Performance has always been the hallmark of FairCom DB. Our customers consistently assert the sheer speed a FairCom database provides their applications. And it’s never enough. Successful application growth continually challenges database scalability.

Overall performance gains of FairCom DB and c-treeRTG are again included in this release. Multiple areas from file open and close operations to index key reads have been profiled for capacity limitations. This release removes many bottlenecks for additional transaction throughput.

Many of these new performance features and capacity expansions will be experienced immediately after upgrading your c‑tree client and server engine. Others involve application changes and require modifications by a programmer or DBA.

Let us engage with your team and squeeze as much performance and capacity as possible from your FairCom DB application usage.

The following graph shows the performance gains made with c-tree over the past 4 major versions using our internal test harness, cttctx, which uses full transaction processing (ctTRNLOG file mode) on all data files with the default FairCom DB Server Configuration File (ctsrvr.cfg) settings for each release. cttctx simulates a real-world application by performing record add, read, delete sequences on 23 data files each with multiple indexes. All tests were executed running Windows Server 2019.
