Product Documentation

c-treeRTG V2 Update Guide

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ctstat reports more detailed timing information for performance profiling

The FairCom Server function monitor now shows specific c-treeRTG function timings (such as RTG_OPEN, RTG_READ, etc.). In previous releases, the function timings display grouped all of these functions into a single c-treeRTG function time and call count. This information about critical c-treeRTG operations provides useful information for performance profiling.

In this revision, the c-treeRTG functions have been separated into their own function timing entries so we can know which functions are being called and taking the most time when profiling performance. In the example below, note the separate entries for RTG_OPEN and RTG_VERSION:

function counter secs

CLISAM 10 0.004

FRSVSET 25 0.003

NXTVSET 25 0.001

INTISAM 10 0.003

SETOPS 20 0.000

CTSQLCTL 10 0.000

GETDODAX 4 0.000

COMMBUF 12 0.001

SYSCFG 10 0.000

RTG_OPEN 10 0.176

RTG_VERSION 10 0.001

ctSNAPSHOT 26 0.003

If an old version of ctstat is used with a new server, the c-treeRTG function names will show up as UNKNOWN.
