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FairCom DB V12 Release Notes

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Index Node Split Error

In extremely rare situations, after a parent-child branch error is detected in the tree structure of an index, there was a remote chance that FairCom Server could terminate. Messages in CTSTATUS.FCS were similar to the following:

- User# 00312 Could not adjust path: 617

- User# 00312 Parent-Child branch error: 1

- User# 00312 Dumped stack for server process 1638724, log=1, loc=81, rc=0

- User# 00312 O312 M18 L81 F1 P0x (recur #1) (uerr_cod=617)

The logic has been modified to correct this problem, eliminating the need for the FairCom Server to shut down.

This is an extremely rare event because it requires an index error, such as the parent-child branch error, followed by a failure to adjust the path from the newest root to the node. These are both extremely rare events, and both happening at the same time is an extremely remote possibility.
