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Web Plug-In - Default linked_ace_server

The HTTP Plug-in (cthttpd, the Web Server Plug-in) supports connecting to a remote c-tree server. The engine to be used by the web server is configured by the linked_ace_server property in cthttpd.json. That option allows you to specify which c-tree server to use for the REST API, MQTT persistence, etc. The default linked_ace_server is NULL, which means FAIRCOMS@localhost. To change this default, change this property in cthttpd.json.

Because the default usage of cthttpd is by the HTTP Plug-in (the Web Server Plug-in loaded by a c-tree server), the plug-in framework already has the "caller" server name in the plug-in structure. So, instead of considering the default linked_ace_server as NULL, we now assume the local server name as default.

Note that if linked_ace_server is configured in cthttpd.json, it will overwrite this local server name as default.
