Product Documentation

FairCom DB V12 Updates

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Compatibility Notes

With any new release, certain features preclude prior default functionality. FairCom DB V12 introduces several new advances that may impact your prior c-tree experience. Notably in this release is a new default folder layout simplifying access to c-tree components. A major change to default IFIL path handling is also included. Be sure to review this entire list and verify any specific changes that apply to your usage.

As always, V12 is a major version release change. It is expected to thoroughly test existing application functionality before deploying a new server version and to follow all recommended upgrade procedures as described. Contact your local FairCom support team with any questions about compatibility and suggested upgrade steps.

In This Chapter

Upgrade and New Default Folder Layout

Increased PAGE_SIZE for Improved Performance

Support Opening More Than 32,767 Files Affects Compatibility

Max Replication and Deferred Index Logs Raised

Improved IFIL Path Handling

Shared Memory Performance Enhancement for all Unix Platforms

Increased Log Space Requirements

Deprecated FairCom DB Configurations

Sort Module Error Code Changes

Default to IPv6 in Windows when TCP/IP is Selected

ctsqlGet*() Returns CTSQL_NULLRESULT when a NULL Value Is Present

SQL Stored Procedures - Close cursors that were left open

Better Error Reporting when Exceeding the Maximum Length of VARCHAR Fields

Disk Full Monitoring Keywords Added to Default ctsrvr.cfg

SQL Statement Diagnostic Logging Keyword Added to Default Server Config

Updated ctMAX_KEY_SEG Default from 16 to 32

MAX_REPL_LOGS and MAX_DFRIDX_LOGS Default Values Increased to 100

Windows Drive-Relative Paths Deprecated

