Product Documentation

c-treeACE V11.0 Release Notes

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Error IAIX_ERR (608) Corrected When Compacting or Rebuilding Files Containing SRLSEG or SCHSEG Segment Modes

After a file that used the SRLSEG or SCHSRL segment modes was compacted, a subsequent compact or rebuild operation failed with IAIX_ERR error 608 (IIDX attributes do not match file). An ISAM open of the data file typically worked properly other than the 608 error. The logic has been changed to eliminate the error situation.

Note: This change will prevent the 608 error from occurring on files created after the change has been applied. However, a data file that has already been created with the SRLSEG or SCHSRL segment modes may still experience this error when compacted. In this case, the 608 error can be avoided by specifying the updateIFIL option in the tfilno field of the IFIL structure when performing the compact or rebuild (e.g., use ctcmpcif or ctrbldif and specify ‑updifil). If you have a file that is already in this state (with those fields set to zero), you will need to use this workaround to correct it.
