Product Documentation

c-treeACE V11.0 Release Notes

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RRED_ERR (407) Corrected When Rebuilding VARLEN FPUTFGET Indexes

A situation was discovered in which an index rebuild of a variable-length file in FPUTFGET mode would fail with error 407. After the rebuild failed, subsequent opens of the data file failed with error 407.

This problem was noticed when a variable-length file rebuild was done in multi-user standalone (FPUTFGET) mode and the logical end of file value in the data file's header was smaller than the correct logical end of file value.

Logic has been modified to correct this error.

Note: Once the file has been damaged by the rebuild, simply using the rebuild utility with this bug fix won't fix the damage. Restoring to a saved copy of the file is the best way to recover from this problem on a particular file.
