Product Documentation

V11.5 Release Notes

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Nodename + Process ID used to identify ODBC applications

The ODBC API does not have an interface to specify extra identifying information that our server can display to identify a specific application using the ODBC driver. By default, c-tree Server set the "nodename" to "SQL:<dbname>" when a new connection was made.

It is now possible to display a client process ID connected to the server. On the server side, when SQL_OPTION PID_IN_NODEID is specified in ctsrvr.cfg, the client process ID is appended to the default nodename as "SQL: PID <client pid>". If the client application does not pass the PID information, the original default nodemane is still used. The default node name can be overwritten at any time after connection by a client calling the fc_set_nodename built-in stored procedure.

This nodename string is displayed for all SQL client APIs and tools except for JDBC-based APIs/tools.

Log statements for DESCRIBE operation

The ODBC driver has been updated so that statements sent by the DESCRIBE operation are now being logged. The logging logic has been modified to always specify the operation the server is executing to make it easier to reconcile statements logged more than once.

In This Section

ODBC SQLTables call failed with syntax error

ODBC driver allowed "%" as catalog in ODBC SQLTables and SQLColumns calls
