Product Documentation

V11.5 Update Guide

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SQL Drop Table on MRT Tables now removes physical file

After importing in SQL using ctsqlimp (or ctutil -sqlize for c-treeRTG), a SQL Drop Table should remove the table from disk, which is the expected behavior.

A Multi-Schema table (also called a Multi-Record Table, or MRT) is linked to multiple SQL tables. When removing them, it is expected that the physical file does not go away, otherwise all other defined tables would be "dangling" with no physical file. When the last table belonging to an MRT table is removed, it can be desirable to remove the physical file for consistency with non-MRT tables.

A new configuration option SQL_OPTION DEL_MRT_HOST YES in ctsrvr.cfg enables the removal of the physical file after all MRT tables have been dropped. When this option is omitted or set to NO, the physical table is not deleted by SQL Drop Table statements.
