Product Documentation

c-treeACE V10.3 Release Notes

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Check for invalid FORCE_LOGIDX and COALESCE_TRNLOG configuration options

The FORCE_LOGIDX and COALESCE_TRNLOG options did not check for an invalid value. If an invalid value was specified, the default option of NO was used. This caused unexpected behavior for one customer who used FORCE_LOGIDX YES when they meant to use FORCE_LOGIDX ON. As a result, this was treated as FORCE_LOGIDX NO, and LOGIDX was not forced on for the customer's TRNLOG index files, causing automatic recovery to take a long time for large index files.

Now c-treeACE Server checks if an invalid value is specified for these options and, if so, it fails its start and logs a message such as the following to CTSTATUS.FCS:

Configuration error: ctsrvr.cfg, line 1: Invalid value specified for FORCE_LOGIDX option. Valid values are ON, OFF, or NO.

Configuration error: ctsrvr.cfg, line 3: Invalid value specified for COALESCE_TRNLOG option. Valid values are ON or OFF.
