Product Documentation

FairCom SQLAlchemy for Python

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Introduction to FairCom's SQLAlchemy Support for Python

SQLAlchemy is one of the most widely used object-relational mapping tools in the Python community. This Object Relational Mapper gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL. The FairCom DB SQL Python interface provides support for this technology.

  • If you have an existing application that uses SQLAlchemy, simply install the FairCom DB SQL dialect for SQLAlchemy (as shown in the next chapter) to begin taking advantage of the FairCom DB database.
  • If you are planning a new SQLAlchemy application, the FairCom SQLAlchemy support allows you to take advantage of this powerful style of programming.

FairCom also supports Python through a native interface. See the FairCom DB SQL Python ReadMe.
