Product Documentation

TutorialsRecord/Row LockingDefine

FairCom DB API API for Java

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Define() establishes specific data definitions. This involves defining columns/fields and creating the tables/files with optional indexes.

Below is the code for Define():


// Define()


// Open the table, if it exists. Otherwise create and open the table


static void Define() throws IOException {





// Create_CustomerMaster_Table()


// Open table CustomerMaster, if it exists. Otherwise create it

// along with its indices and open it


static void Create_CustomerMaster_Table() throws IOException {

boolean do_create = false;

// define table CustomerMaster

System.out.println("\ttable CustomerMaster");

try {

MyTable.Open("custmast", OPEN_MODE.NORMAL);

} catch (CTException E) {

// table does not exist

do_create = true;


if (do_create) {

try {

// define table fields

CTField field1 = MyTable.AddField("cm_custnumb", FIELD_TYPE.CHARS, 4);

MyTable.AddField("cm_custzipc", FIELD_TYPE.CHARS, 9);

MyTable.AddField("cm_custstat", FIELD_TYPE.CHARS, 2);

MyTable.AddField("cm_custratg", FIELD_TYPE.CHARS, 1);

MyTable.AddField("cm_custname", FIELD_TYPE.VARCHAR, 47);

MyTable.AddField("cm_custaddr", FIELD_TYPE.VARCHAR, 47);

MyTable.AddField("cm_custcity", FIELD_TYPE.VARCHAR, 47);

// define index

CTIndex index1 = MyTable.AddIndex("cm_custnumb_idx", KEY_TYPE.FIXED_INDEX, false, false);

index1.AddSegment(field1, SEG_MODE.SCHSEG);

// create table

System.out.println("\tCreate table...");

MyTable.Create("custmast", CREATE_MODE.NORMAL);

// open table

System.out.println("\tOpen table...");

MyTable.Open("custmast", OPEN_MODE.NORMAL);

} catch (CTException E) {



} else {


// confirm the index exists, if not then add the index


// this scenario arises out of the fact that this table was created in tutorial 1

// without indexes. The index is now created by the call to ctdbAlterTable

do_create = false;

try {


} catch (CTException E) {

do_create = true;


if (do_create) {

try {

CTField field1 = MyTable.GetField("cm_custnumb");

CTIndex index1 = MyTable.AddIndex("cm_custnumb_idx", KEY_TYPE.FIXED_INDEX, false, false);

index1.AddSegment(field1, SEG_MODE.SCHSEG);


} catch (CTException E) {





