Now we will build some table/file relationships using the c-tree Database API for C#.
This tutorial will advance the concepts introduced in the first tutorial by expanding the number of tables. We will define key columns/fields and create specific indexes for each table to form a relational model database.
Like all other examples in the c-tree tutorial series, this tutorial simplifies the creation and use of a database into four simple steps: Initialize(), Define(), Manage(), and You’re Done() !
Tutorial #2: Relational Model and Indexing
Here we add a bit more complexity, introducing multiple tables, with related indices in order to form a simple "relational" database simulating an Order Entry system. Here is an overview of what will be created:
Note our simple Main() function:
using System;
using FairCom.CtreeDb;
using FairCom.CtreeDb.ENUMS;
namespace Tutorial2
class Tutorial2
static CTSession MySession;
static CTTable tableCustOrdr;
static CTTable tableOrdrItem;
static CTTable tableItemMast;
static CTTable tableCustMast;
static CTRecord recordCustOrdr;
static CTRecord recordOrdrItem;
static CTRecord recordItemMast;
static CTRecord recordCustMast;
// main()
// The main() function implements the concept of "init, define, manage
// and you're done..."
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("\nPress <ENTER> key to exit . . .");
We suggest opening the source code with your own editor.
Continue now to review these four steps.