Product Documentation

TutorialIntroductory TutorialInit

FairCom Low-Level API for C

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Below is the code to "Initialize" FairCom DB:

/* Initialize the c-tree system */

if (InitCTreeXtd(10,2,4,10,USERPRF_NTKEY,"admin","ADMIN","FAIRCOMS"))

terminate("Could not initialize c-tree",-1);

if (argc > 1)

db_create(); /* create the database files */

db_init(); /* open the database files that are already created */

database(); /* perform database routines */

db_close(); /* close the files, and any other ending stuff */


return(0); /* dummy to remove compiler warning */



* *

* db_init: Open the data files and indices. They *

* must have been already created. Most of *

* the important parameters for the files *

* are set when the file was created. *

* *



VOID db_init(void)


VOID db_init()



/* Open the data file */

if (OpenCtFile(INVENTDAT,"invent.dat",ctVIRTUAL|ctSHARED)) {


if (OpenCtFile(INVENTDAT,"invent.dat",ctVIRTUAL|ctSHARED))

terminate("Could not open invent.dat",INVENTDAT);


/* Open the index file */

if (OpenCtFile(INVENTIDX,"invent.idx",ctVIRTUAL|ctSHARED))

terminate("Could not open invent.idx",INVENTIDX);


