First we need to open a connection to a database by providing the FairCom Database Engine with a user name, password and the database name.
Below is the code for Initialize():
* Initialize()
* Perform the minimum requirement of logging onto the c-tree Server
VOID Initialize(VOID)
VOID Initialize()
#ifdef ctThrds
NINT retval;
#ifdef ctThrds
/* initialize c-tree multi-thread environment */
if ((retval = ctThrdInit(3, 0L, NULL)) != 0)
Handle_Error("Initialize(): ctThrdInit()", retval);
/* initialize c-tree and log on to c-tree Server */
printf("\tLogon to server...\n");
if (InitISAMXtd(16, 16, 16, 16, 0, "", "", "FAIRCOMS"))
Handle_Error("Initialize(): InitISAMXtd()", 0);