The following table lists all the tables in the system catalog. It gives a brief description of their purpose and lists the column definitions for every table.
System Catalog Table Definitions
Table |
Purpose |
Column |
Data Type |
Size |
sys_chk_constrs |
Contains the CHECK clause for each check constraint specified on a user table. |
chkclause |
varchar |
8192 |
sys_chkcol_usage |
Contains one entry for each column on which the check constraint is specified |
cnstrname |
varchar |
64 |
sys_keycol_usage |
Contains one entry for each column on which primary or foreign key is specified |
cnstrname |
varchar |
64 |
sys_ref_constrs |
Contains one entry for each referential constraint specified on a user table |
cnstrname |
varchar |
64 |
sys_tbl_constrs |
Contains one entry for each table constraint. |
cnstrname |
varchar |
64 |
sysattachtbls |
Contains one entry for each table link. |
db_link |
varchar |
64 |
sysbigintstat |
Contains one row for each bigint column. Used by the optimizer, each row contains a sampling of values in the column. |
colid val10 |
integer |
4 |
syscalctable |
Contains exactly one row with a single column with a value of 100. |
fld |
integer |
4 |
syscharstat |
Contains one row for each char column. Used by the optimizer, each row contains a sampling of values in the column. |
colid |
integer |
4 |
syscolauth |
Contains the update privileges held by users on individual columns of tables in the database. |
col |
varchar |
64 |
syscolstat |
Provides mapping information between syscolumns and sys*stat tables. |
colid |
integer |
4 |
syscolumns |
Contains one row for each column of every table in the database. |
charset |
varchar |
64 |
sysdatatypes |
Contains information on each data type supported by the database. |
autoincr |
smallint |
2 |
sysdatestat |
Contains one row for each date column. Used by the optimizer, each row contains a sampling of values in the column. |
colid |
integer |
4 |
sysdblinks |
Contains one entry for each data source link. |
host |
varchar |
128 |
sysdbauth |
Contains the database-wide privileges held by users. |
dba_acc |
varchar |
1 |
sysfloatstat |
Contains one row for each float column. Used by the optimizer, each row contains a sampling of values in the column. |
colid |
integer |
4 |
sysgroupauth |
Contains privileges held by user groups |
grantor |
[n]varchar |
64 |
sysgroups |
Contains list of user groups |
groupname |
[n]varchar |
64 |
sysgroupusers |
Contains list of users in each group |
username |
[n]varchar |
64 |
sysidentity |
Contains one row for each identity field in the database. Used for SQL IDENTITY support. |
owner |
varchar |
64 |
sysidxstat |
Contains statistics for each index in the database. |
idxid |
integer |
4 |
sysindexes |
Contains one row for each component of an index in the database. For an index with n components, there will be n rows in this table. |
colname |
varchar |
64 |
sysintstat |
Contains one row for each integer column. Used by the optimizer, each row contains a sampling of values in the column. |
colid |
integer |
4 |
sysmoneystat |
Contains one row for each money column. Used by the optimizer, each row contains a sampling of values in the column. |
colid |
integer |
4 |
sysncharstat |
Contains one row for each national char() column. Used by the optimizer, each row contains a sampling of values in the column. |
colid |
integer |
4 |
sysnumstat |
Contains one row for each numeric column. Used by the optimizer, each row contains a sampling of values in the column. |
colid |
integer |
4 |
sysnvarcharstat |
Contains one row for each national varchar column. Used by the optimizer, each row contains a sampling of values in the column. |
colid |
integer |
4 |
sysprocbin |
Contains one or more rows for each stored procedure and trigger in the database, which contain the compiled Java bytecode for their procedure or trigger. |
id |
integer |
4 |
sysproccolumns |
Contains one row for each column of a stored procedure’s result set. |
argtype |
varchar |
64 |
sysprocedures |
Contains one row for each stored procedure in the database. |
creator |
varchar |
64 |
sysproctext |
Contains one or more rows for each stored procedure and trigger in the database, which contain the Java source code for their procedure or trigger. |
id |
integer |
4 |
sysrealstat |
Contains one row for each real column. Used by the optimizer, each row contains a sampling of values in the column. |
colid |
integer |
4 |
syssmintstat |
Contains one row for each smallint column. Used by the optimizer, each row contains a sampling of values in the column. |
colid |
integer |
4 |
syssynonyms |
Contains one entry for each synonym in the database. |
ispublic |
smallint |
2 |
systabauth |
Contains privileges held by users for tables, views, and procedures. |
alt |
varchar |
1 |
systables |
Contains one row for each table in the database. |
creator |
varchar |
64 |
systblspaces |
No longer used. |
id |
integer |
4 |
systblstat |
Contains table statistics for each user table. |
card |
integer |
4 |
systimestat |
Contains one row for each time column. Used by the optimizer, each row contains a sampling of values in the column. |
colid |
integer |
4 |
systinyintstat |
Contains one row for each tinyint column. Used by the optimizer, each row contains a sampling of values in the column. |
colid |
integer |
4 |
systrigcols |
Contains one row for each column specified in each UPDATE trigger in the database. |
colid |
integer |
4 |
systrigger |
Contains one row for each trigger in the database. |
owner |
varchar |
64 |
systsstat |
Contains one row for each timestamp column. Used by the optimizer, each row contains a sampling of values in the column. |
colid |
integer |
4 |
sysvarcharstat |
Contains one row for each varchar column. Used by the optimizer, each row contains a sampling of values in the column. |
colid |
integer |
4 |
sysviews |
Contains information on each view in the database. |
creator |
varchar |
64 |