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SQL Language ElementsUsers, Schemas and RolesCreating and Modifying Users and Groups

SQL Reference Guide

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Creating and Modifying Users and Groups

Each FairCom DB SQL schema is based on the connected user. New users are created with standard FairCom DB administration utilities. There are three utilities provided for this task.

Security Administrator

Security Administrator is a visual-based utility for creating and managing users, groups and passwords. You'll find this in the /tools/gui folder of your FairCom DB installation.

Command Line Administrator Utility

The command line administrator utility, ctadmn, is an interactive utility with prompted options for creating and managing user, groups and passwords. You'll find this in the tools folder of your FairCom DB installation.

Command Line Security Administrator

The command line administrator utility, sa_admin, is a scriptable utility with prompted options for creating and managing user, groups and passwords. You'll find this in the tools folder of your FairCom DB installation.
