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INSTR function (extension)


INSTR ( char_expression, char_expression [, start_position [, occurrence]])


The scalar function INSTR searches for the character string corresponding to the second argument in the character string corresponding to the first argument starting at start_position. If occurrence is specified, then INSTR searches for the nth occurrence where n is the value of the fourth argument.

The position (with respect to the start of string corresponding to the first argument) is returned if a search is successful. Zero is returned if no match can be found.


SELECT cust_no, name

FROM customer

WHERE INSTR (LOWER (addr), 'heritage') > 0 ;


  • The first and second arguments must be of character type.
  • The third and fourth arguments, if specified, must be of type INTEGER.
  • If one of the arguments is a literal and the other one a field reference, the operation is possible only if the literal is convertible to the character set of the field reference. Otherwise an error is returned.
  • The values for specifying position in a character string starts from one. That is, the very first character in a string is at position one, the second character is at position two and so on.
  • If the third argument is not specified, a default value of one is assumed.
  • If the fourth argument is not specified, a default value of one is assumed.
  • The result is of type INTEGER.
  • If any of the argument expressions evaluates to null, the result is null.
