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SQL Language ElementsExpressionsDate Arithmetic Expressions

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Date Arithmetic Expressions


Date arithmetic expressions compute the difference between date-time expressions in terms of days or milliseconds. FairCom DB SQL supports these forms of date arithmetic:

  • Addition and subtraction of integers to and from date-time expressions
  • Subtraction of a date-time expression from another


date_arith_expr ::

date_time_expr { + | - } int_expr

| date_time_expr - date_time_expr



An expression that returns a value of type DATE or TIME or TIMESTAMP. A single date-time expression cannot mix data types. All elements of the expression must be the same data type.

Date-time expressions can contain date-time literals, but they must be converted to DATE or TIME using the CAST, CONVERT, or TO_DATE functions (see the following examples as well as CAST function (SQL-92 compatible) and CONVERT function (extension)).


An expression that returns an integer value. FairCom DB SQL interprets the integer differently depending on the data type of the date-time expression:

  • For DATE expressions, integers represent days
  • For TIME expressions, integers represent milliseconds
  • For TIMESTAMP expressions, integers represent milliseconds


The following example manipulates DATE values using date arithmetic. FairCom DB SQL interprets integers as days and returns date differences in units of days:


c1 c2 c1-c2

1956-05-07 1952-09-29 1316

select sysdate,

sysdate - 3 ,

sysdate - cast ('9/29/52' as date)

from dtest;

sysdate sysdate-3 sysdate-convert(date,9/29/52)

1995-03-24 1995-03-21 15516

The following example manipulates TIME values using date arithmetic. FairCom DB SQL interprets integers as milliseconds and returns time differences in milliseconds:

select systime,

systime - 3000,

systime - cast ('15:28:01' as time)

from dtest;

systime systime-3000 systime-convert(time,15:28:01)

15:28:09 15:28:06 8000
