Product Documentation

User-Defined Extensions for Replication

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The Replication Agent version structure (rxVEROP) is only used for the start agent event. The Start agent callback function must set the fields of this structure to the structure versions in use by the external library so that the agent can verify that the external library is compatible. See the sample start agent callback function for an example of setting these values.

typedef struct _rxverop {

LONG verop_ver; /* [OUT] Set to version of rxVEROP */

LONG event_ver; /* [OUT] Set to version of rxEVENT */

LONG filop_ver; /* [OUT] Set to version of rxFILOP */

LONG trnop_ver; /* [OUT] Set to version of rxTRNOP */

LONG datop_ver; /* [OUT] Set to version of rxDATOP */

LONG excop_ver; /* [OUT] Set to version of rxEXCOP */

LONG filh_ver; /* [OUT] Set to version of ctFILH */

} rxVEROP, *prxVEROP;
