Product Documentation

FairCom SQL for PHP

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Returns the number of affected rows from the previous c-treePHP operation.


int ctsql_affected_rows ( [resource connectionID])


ctsql_affected_rows() returns the number of rows affected by the last INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE query. This will also work with the SELECT statement but only after fetching the rows.


ctsql_affected_rows() returns the number of rows affected by the last INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE query associated with connectionID.



/* connect to database */

$link = ctsql_connect('ctreeSQL', 'admin', 'ADMIN');

if (!$link) {

die('Failed to connect to FairCom DB SQL: ' . ctsql_error());


/* this should return the correct numbers of deleted records */

ctsql_query('DELETE FROM mytable WHERE age < 50');

printf("Records deleted: %d\n", ctsql_affected_rows());

/* with a where clause that is never true, it should return 0 */

ctsql_query('DELETE FROM mytable WHERE 0');

printf("Records deleted: %d\n", ctsql_affected_rows());


The above example would produce the following output:

Records deleted: 10

Records deleted: 0
