Product Documentation

FairCom SQL for PHP

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Resource Types

There are two resource types used in the FairCom DB PHP module. The first is the connection identifier for a FairCom DB SQL connection. The second resource holds the result of a query.

For example, the following code demonstrates how to connect to FairCom DB SQL, execute a query, print resulting rows and disconnect from a FairCom DB SQL database:

c-treePHP Example


/* Connecting, selecting database */

$ses = ctsql_connect("ctreeSQL","ADMIN","ADMIN")

or die("Could not successfully connect to FairCom DB SQL: " . ctsql_error());

echo "Successfully connected to FairCom DB SQL!";

/* Performing SQL query */

$query = "SELECT * FROM my_table";

$result = ctsql_query($query) or die("Query failed : " . ctsql_error());

/* Printing results in HTML */

echo "<table>\n";

while ($line = ctsql_fetch_assoc($result)) {

echo "\t<tr>\n";

foreach ($line as $col_value) {

echo "\t\t<td>$col_value</td>\n";


echo "\t</tr>\n";


echo "</table>\n";

/* Free resultset */


/* Closing connection */



PDO SSL Security

A new parameter has been added to the connection string to indicate if SSL should be used:

  • ssl=BASIC - SSL without certificate checking.
  • ssl=<certificate file name> - SSL with certificate checking, certificate file as specified.

For example:

$ses = new PDO('ctsql:port=6597;host=localhost;dbname=ctreeSQL;ssl=BASIC', 'admin', 'ADMIN');
