Retrieves the number of locked batch records.
LONG CTRecord.BatchLocked();
CTRecord.BatchLocked() retrieves the number of records locked during a CTBATCH_GET, CTBATCH_RANGE or CTBATCH_PHYS operation. If CTBATCH_LOCK_READ or CTBATCH_LOCK_WRITE are specified in the batch mode, the CTRecord.BatchLocked() method returns the total number of records locked. If CTBATCH_LOCK_ONE is specified, or if either the CTBATCH_LOCK_READ or CTBATCH_LOCK_WRITE modes are not specified, CTRecord.BatchLocked() returns zero.
Returns the number of locked records. In case of an error, CTRecord.BatchLocked() throws a CTException exception.
See Also
CTRecord.BatchMode(), CTRecord.BatchTotal(), CTRecord.EndBatch(), CTRecord.InsertBatch(), CTRecord.IsBatchActive(), CTRecord.NextBatch(), CTRecord.SetBatch(), CTRecord.BatchLoaded