Action [in] The alter table action. One or more of the following actions can be selected:
ALTER_TABLE.NORMAL: Check for changes before altering
ALTER_TABLE.INDEX: Force rebuild of all indexes
ALTER_TABLE.FULL: Force full table rebuild.
ALTER_TABLE_TRUNCATE: Quickly remove all records.
ALTER_TABLE.PURGEDUP: OR in with any of the other modes to deal with cases where an alter table is performed on data files with duplicated index information.
ALTER_TABLE.KEEPTRAN: Allow tables with different TRANDEP modes (e.g. transaction capable, however, transaction control disabled for performance) to undergo ALTER TABLE. (This is generally an internal FairCom operation for certain table types.)
Performs alter table functions. This method may be used to update a table after its creation. The table must be open in OPEN_MODE.EXCLUSIVE_OPEN() mode before it is updated.