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FairCom DB API API for C# - Developers Guide

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bool FindTable(String Name, StringBuilder Path)

bool FindTable(String Name, StringBuilder Path, out ulong uid)

bool FindTable(ulong uid, StringBuilder Name, StringBuilder Path)


  • Name [in or out] The name of the table. When using the FindTable(ulong uid, StringBuilder Name, StringBuilder Path) prototype, Name is an output parameter. Otherwise, it is an input, and it is used to locate the table.
  • Path [out] The table path, and it is returned by the method.
  • uid [in or out] The table UID. When using the FindTable(String Name, StringBuilder Path, out ulong uid) prototype, uid is an output parameter. When using the FindTable(ulong uid, StringBuilder Name, StringBuilder Path) prototype, uid is an input parameter.


Locates a table in a database. If the prototype FindTable(String Name, StringBuilder Path) is used, the table is searched by Name, and the method retrieves its Path. If the prototype FindTable(String Name, StringBuilder Path, out ulong uid) is used, the table is searched by Name, and the method retrieves its Path and uid. If the prototype FindTable(ulong uid, StringBuilder Name, StringBuilder Path) is used, the table is searched by uid, and the method retrieves its Name and Path.


FindTable() returns true if the table is found, false otherwise.

See Also

