Often, when updating a table, you perform several functions in a group. For instance, when creating an invoice, you update several tables: the account balance in the customer file, the invoice file, an invoice detail file, inventory records, and others. It is important that all of these actions take place to keep the files synchronized. If some of the actions take place, but not all, your files may be out of sync, and it can be difficult to correct the problem later. If one action cannot take place, it would be best to not let any take place. We call this atomicity. The FairCom DB API .NET API provides functions that provide this feature. You can mark a set of operations so that none will take place unless they can all take place. The API goes beyond this, allowing you to create "savepoints" where you can partially back out a group of operations, and "roll back" transactions to a given point, so that you can restore your data back to a state that it was in sometime in the past.