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FairCom DB API API for C# - Developers Guide

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Next Record

Call CTRecord.Next() to position the current record at the next record of a table. If the current record is already the last record of a table, CTRecord.Next() returns false.

// get the next record of the table



if (ARecord.Next())

Console.Write("Next record found\n");


Console.Write("No more records\n");


catch (CTException err)


Console.Write("Next record failed with error {0}\n", err.GetErrorCode());


A current record must exist before CTRecord.Next() is called or an ICUR_ERR (100) is thrown indicating that there can be no next record if the current record does not exist. You can establish a current record by calling CTRecord.First(), CTRecord.Last(), CTRecord.Find() or CTRecord.SeekRecord().
