By default the FairCom DB API .NET API pad fixed length string fields FIELD_TYPE.CHARS (FIELD_TYPE.FSTRING), FIELD_TYPE.FPSTRING, FIELD_TYPE.F2STRING and FIELD_TYPE.F4STRING with Nulls ('\0') bytes. The field padding property sets the table pad and field delimiter characters to allow proper target key formation. This property allows the FairCom DB API .NET API to operate on files created using the FairCom DB ISAM and low level APIs using a fixed string padding strategy that is different from the FairCom DB API .NET API default.
Use CTTable.SetPadChar() to set the pad and field delimiter character. CTTable.GetPadChar() retrieves the current pad and field delimiter character.
// set the table pad and delimiter characters to spaces
ATable.SetPadChar(' ', ' ');
catch (CTException err)
Console.Write("Set pad character failed with error {0}\n", err.GetErrorCode());
The most common strategies for padding fixed string fields are: