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FairCom DB API API for C# - Developers Guide

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Session Logon and Logout

In order to perform any database operations, it is necessary to log on to a c-tree session. A session is terminated with a session logout.

To log on to a session, a CTSession object must be instantiated and then CTSession.Logon() method should be called to perform the session logon.

// Logon to a session

CTSession ASession = new CTSession();



ASession.Logon("FAIRCOMS", "ADMIN", "ADMIN");


catch (CTException err)


Console.Write("Session logon failed with error {0}\n", err.GetErrorCode());


Note: A useful sequence in code is to try to log on to the session, and if it fails with error FNOP_ERR (12), create the session dictionary and then log on again.


CTSession ASession = new CTSession();

CTBOOL createit = false;

// try to logon to a session



ASession.Logon("FAIRCOMS", "ADMIN", "ADMIN");


catch (CTException err)


if (err.GetErrorCode() == 12)


createit = true;





if (createit)


ASession.Create("FAIRCOMS", "ADMIN", "ADMIN");



ASession.Logon("FAIRCOMS", "ADMIN", "ADMIN");


catch (CTException err)


Console.Write("Logon failed with error {0}\n", err.GetErrorCode());



When operations with the session are no longer needed, it is necessary to log out from the session by invoking method CTSession.Logout(). Example:

CTSession ASession = new CTSession();

// logon to a session



ASession.Logon("FAIRCOMS", "ADMIN", "ADMIN");

// ... perform some other operations ..



catch (CTException err)


Console.Write("Logon or Logout failed with error {0}\n", err.GetErrorCode());

