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FairCom DB API API for C# - Developers Guide

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Creating a Session Object

A valid session object is required to perform any session operation. The default parameter of the CTSession constructor is SESSION_TYPE.CTDB_SESSION.

// create a default CTSession object

CTSession ASession = new CTSession();



// logon to session using default

// server name, user name and password.



catch (CTException err)


Console.Write("Session logon failed with error {0}", err.GetErrorCode());


When a session object is created, we can specify the session type. There are three different session types:


Allocate a new session for logon only. No session or database dictionary files will be used. No database functions can be used with this session mode. You must allocate table handles using the session handle.


Allocate a new session making full usage of FairCom DB API .NET session and database dictionaries. With this session mode, a Session dictionary file must exist to perform a session logon and you need to connect to a database before attempting to perform operation on tables.


Allocate a new session for FairCom DB SQL processing. This session type is available with certain restrictions.


// Create a session object

CTSession ASession = new CTSession(SESSION_TYPE.CTDB_SESSION);
