The FairCom DB API .NET record manager performs automatic data type conversions when the user reads from, or writes to, a field using a data type that is different from the field data type. For most data types, the conversion is straightforward except when converting dates and times to and from strings, as there are many different conventions for displaying dates and times.
By default FairCom DB API .NET converts date to string, and from string to date, using the standard U.S.A. convention of MM/DD/CCYY, where MM represents a two digit month with values from 01 to 12, DD represents a two digit day of the month with values from 01 to 31, depending on the number of days in the month, CC represents a two digit century and YY represents a two digit year. A date separator may be the '/', '-' and '.' characters.
The FairCom DB API .NET API converts time to string, and string to time, using the standard U.S.A. convention of HH:MM AM where HH represents the hour with values from 1 to 12, MM represents the minutes with values from1 to 59 and AM represents AM or PM values.
SetDefDateFormat() sets a new default date format. GetDefDateFormat() retrieves the current default date format. The following date formats are supported:
DATE_TYPE .MDCY_DATE Date format is MM/DD/CCYY where MM represents a two-digit month, DD represents a two-digit day of the month, CC represents a two-digit century, and YY represents a two-digit year. The date separator may be one of the following characters: '/', '-' or ','. This is the default date format. Example: 12/01/2002.
DATE_TYPE.MDY_DATE Date format is MM/DD/YY where MM represents a two-digit month, DD represents a two-digit day of the month, and YY represents a two-digit year. The date separator may be one of the following characters: '/', '-' or ','. Example: 12/01/02.
DATE_TYPE.DMCY_DATE Date format is DD/MM/CCYY where DD represents a two-digit day, MM represents a two-digit month, CC represents a two-digit century, and YY represents a two-digit year. The date separator may be one of the following characters: '/', '-' or '.'. Example: 01/12/2002.
DATE_TYPE.DMY_DATE Date format is DD/MM/YY where DD represents a two-digit day, MM represents a two-digit month, and YY represents a two-digit year. The date separator may be one of the following characters: '/', '-' or '.'. Example: 01/12/02.
DATE_TYPE.CYMD_DATE Date format is CCYYMMDD where CC is a two-digit century, YY is a two-digit date, MM is a two-digit month, and DD is a two-digit day of the month. This date format has no separators. Example: 20021201.
DATE_TYPE.YMD_DATE The date format is YYMMDD where YY represents a two-digit year, MM represents a two-digit month, and DD represents a two-digit day of the month. This date format has no separators. Example: 021201
SetDefTimeFormat() sets a new default time format. GetDefTimeFormat() retrieves the current default time format. The following time formats are supported:
TIME_TYPE.HMSP_TIME Time format is HH:MM:SS AP where HH represents an hour value between 1 and 12, MM represents a two-digit minute value between 00 and 59, SS represents a two-digit second value between 00 and 59, and AP is either AM or PM. The time separator may be ':' or '.'. Example: 1:35:45 AM.
TIME_TYPE.HMP_TIME Time format is HH:MM AP where HH represents an hour value between 1 and 12, MM represents a two-digit minute value between 00 and 59, and AP is either AM or PM. The time separator may be ':' or '.'. Example: 1:35 AM.
TIME_TYPE.HMS_TIME Time format is HH:MM:SS where HH represents an hour value between 0 and 23, MM represents a two-digit minute value between 00 and 59, and SS represents a two-digit second value between 00 and 59. The time separator may be ':' or '.'. Example: 1:35:45.
TIME_TYPE.HM_TIME Time format is HH:MM where HH represent an hour value between 0 and 23, MM represents a two-digit minute value between 00 and 59. The time separator may be ':' or '.'. Example: 1:35.
TIME_TYPE.MIL_TIME Time format is HHMM (military format). HH represents a two-digit hour value between 00 and 23 and MM represents a two-digit minute value between 00 and 59. This time format has no separator. Example: 0135.
When converting floating point type fields, such as CT_SFLOAT, CT_DFLOAT, and CT_EFLOAT, to and from strings, FairCom DB API .NET uses the float conversion format used by the standard functions Console.Write() and scanf(). By default the float conversion format is set to "%f". Use SetDefFloatFormat() set a new default float conversion format. Use GetDefFloatFormat to retrieve the current default float conversion format.