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FairCom Java & .NET Stored Procedures

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LVARCHAR Fields Allowed in Stored Procedure Code

Within a Java stored procedure, it is now possible to retrieve, insert, and update the content of an LVARCHAR field. the following changes have been made:

SQLIStatement and SQLPStatement methods have been enhanced such that the SetParam method can be used to specify the content of an LVARCHAR field.

The SQLCursor GetValue method has been enhanced to retrieve the entire content of an LVARCHAR field.

The SQLCursor class has a new member getLongValue to retrieve a chunk of a LVARCHAR field (in case the field content is too large).


public Object getLongValue(int field, int offset, int len)


  • field - the field number
  • offset - the starting point (0 based) where the portion you want to retrieve starts.
  • len - the length of the portion to retrieve.


The function return NULL if there is no more to retrieve.
