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.NET SupportThe .NET Ctree.SqlSP AssemblySqlSpColumn

FairCom Java & .NET Stored Procedures

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SqlSpColumn contains a column definition and value.

SqlSpColumn Interface Description

Public Read-Only Properties

Nullability IsNullable

Get the column nullability.

String Name

Get the column name.

int Precision

Get the column precision.

int Scale

Get the column scale.

SqlDataType SqlType

Get the column SQL TYPE.

Boolean IsNull

Return if the SQL value is null or not.

Public Read/Write Properties

Object Value

Get/Set the column value. The “object” must be of a type compatible with the column SQL TYPE.

Byte[] BinaryValue

Get/Set a Binary column value.

DateTime? DateValue

Get/Set a Date value.

Double? FloatValue

Get/Set a Float/Double (SQL) column value.

Int32? IntegerValue

Get/Set an Integer column value.

Decimal? MoneyValue

Get/Set a Money column value.

Decimal? NumericValue

Get/Set a Numeric column value.

Boolean? BitValue

Get/Set a Bit column value.

Int64? BigIntValue

Get/Set a BigInt column value.

Single? RealValue

Get/Set a Real column value.

Int16? SmallIntValue

Get/Set a SmallInt column value.

TimeSpan? TimeValue

Get/Set the column value.

DateTime? TimeStampValue

Get/Set a TimeStamp column value.

Int16? TinyIntValue

Get/Set a TinyInt column value.

String CharValue

Get/Set a [Var]Char column value.
