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FairCom Replication JSON RPC API

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int ctMemphisStartReplPlan( pRCESJson request, ppRCESJson result )


Start a Replication Plan. For each "Subscription", it starts the replication. Before executing this, it should be deployed.

HTTP URL: <baseURL>/ctMemphisStartReplPlan/



  • "logPosition": accepts the following values:

    "RESUME": start the replication at the log position from the previous stop action. Before using this mode, make sure the log position is correctly set in the Replication Plan table in the Replication Manager Database, otherwise, it will fail. This information can be missing because we can't ensure that all the agents shut down correctly. This information can be checked in sourceLogPos and targetLogPos parameters of the Replication Plan JSON object;

    "CURRENT": start the replication at the current log position;

    "<log number> <log position> <last commit log> <last commit position>": specify a log position from which the replication will start from. Example: "6 19924 6 19924"


  • request [IN] - Start Replication Plan request in JSON format. For example:


"id": 0, // Required

"sourceLogPos": "CURRENT", // Optional, default is "RESUME". See

constraint "logPosition" for details

"targetLogPos": "6 19924 6 19924", // Optional, default is "RESUME". See

constraint "logPosition" for details

"ignoreDeploy": true // Optional, default is FALSE. If FALSE

makes sure Replication Plan is deployed

before starting it. If it is TRUE,

Replication Plan will be assumed

deployed and its status will be



  • result [OUT] - Result in JSON format. For example:


"success": true,



"errorCode": 0,

"message": "Success"


"actionID":44135 // Action ID might not be returned in case no action

was generated, like if error or warning



Error code
