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FairCom Replication JSON RPC API

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int ctMemphisGetReplPlans( pRCESJson request, ppRCESJson result )


Retrieve all the Replication Plans from the Replication Manager Database.

HTTP URL: <baseURL>/ctMemphisGetReplPlans/



  • Direction values can be:

    "normal": when subscriptions are going only from sourceDBEngine to targetDBEngine

    "reverse": when subscriptions are going only from targetDBEngine to source DBEngine

    "none": there is no subscription between sourceDBEngine and targetDBEngine

    "both": there are subscriptions in both ways between sourceDBEngine and targetDBEngine. It can be a "bidirectional" subscription or distinct subscriptions in both ways

  • Status values can be: "inactive", "active", "stopping", "starting", "deploying", and "paused"
  • StatusCd values can be: 0 = "inactive", 1 = "active", 2 = "stopping", 3 = "starting", 4 = "deploying", and 5 = "paused"


  • request [IN] - Get Replication Plans request in JSON format. For example:


"id": 1, // optional, if provided, search

replication plan by ID

"name": "PLAN1", // optional, if provided search

replication plan by name

"partial": true, // optional, if provided with "name", the search

by name will look for like "<name>%"

"basic": false; // optional, if passed as true, return only the

basic information for the Replication Plan

list, default is false

"paging": true, // optional, see Note 1 - Paging Parameters

"limit": 100, // optional, see Note 1 - Paging Parameters

"start": 200 // optional, see Note 1 - Paging Parameters


  • result [OUT] - Result in JSON format. For example:


"replPlanList": [


"id": 0,

"name": "PLAN1",

"description": "Plan 1 description",

"sourceDBEngine": 0,

"targetDBEngine": 1,

"direction": "normal", // see "Direction" note for possible values

"synchronous": false,

"warningThreshold": 30, // how many seconds behind to show a warning message

"errorThreshold": 300, // how many seconds behind to show an error

"latency": 22, // how many seconds behind the Replication Plan is

at this moment

"latencyTime": "Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001", // when the latency was checked by

the last time

"latencyRev": 22, // how many seconds behind the Replication Plan

reverse direction is at this moment

"latencyRevTime": "Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001", // when reverse direction

latency was last checked

"createNew": 1,

"deleteOld": 1,

"batchSize": 8192,

"debugMinLog": 0,

"exceptionMode": 0,

"lockRetryCount": 5,

"lockRetrySleep": 1000,

"logChangeDetails": "",

"readTimeOut": 5000,

"rememberLogPos": 1,

"parallelApply": true,

"checkDependencies": true,

"syncLogWrites": false,

"analyzerThreadsCount": 1,

"applyThreadsCount": 8,

"fileMask": "",

"isBiDirectional": 1,

"isDeployed": false,

"isPulling": true,

"ignorePartition": false,

"extensionLibrary": "ctrepluser.dll",

"status": "active", // see "Status" in the notes above

"statusCode": 1, // see "StatusCd" in the notes above

"statusTime": "Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001",

"statusMsg": "",

"statusActionID": 132,

"sourceLogPos": "1 9383963 1 9383963",

"targetLogPos": "1 9383963 1 9383963",

"isMonitorActive": true,

"monitorTime": "Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001", // Since when the monitor is

active or not

"refreshRate": 5,

"isExcepLogActive": true,

"excepLogTime": "Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001", // Since when the exception

logging is active or not

"isFuncTimingActive": true,

"funcTimingTime": "Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001", // Since when the exception

logging is active or not

"conflictDetection": true,

"hasNonAckException": true // Flag indicating that the Plan has at least one

not acknowledge exception

"latency": 22, // how many seconds behind the Replication Plan is

"latencyTime": "Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001", // when latency was

last checked

"latencyRev": 22, // how many seconds behind the Replication Plan

reverse direction is at this moment

"latencyRevTime": "Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001", // when the reverse direction

latency was last checked


"success": true,



"errorCode": 0,

"message": "Success"


"total": 500 // total number of replication plan for the query -

see Note 1 - Paging Parameters


In basic mode:


"replPlanList": [


"id": 0,

"name": "PLAN1",

"description": "Plan 1 description",

"sourceDBEngine": 0,

"targetDBEngine": 1,

"direction": "normal", // see "Direction" note for possible values

"status": "active",

"statusCode": 1, // see table "StatusCd" for possible values

"statusTime": "Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001",

"statusMsg": "",

"isDeployed": false,

"latency": 22, // how many seconds behind the Replication Plan

is at this moment

"latencyTime": "Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001", // when latency was last checked

"latencyRev": 22, // how many seconds behind the Replication Plan

reverse direction is at this moment

"latencyRevTime": "Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001", // when reverse direction latency

was last checked


"success": true,



"errorCode": 0,

"message": "Success"


"total": 500 // total number of replication plan for the query -

see Note 1 - Paging Parameters



Error code
