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FairCom Replication JSON RPC API

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int ctMemphisGetAvailGroups( pRCESJson request, ppRCESJson result )


Retrieve all the Availability Groups from the Replication Manager Database.

HTTP URL: <baseURL>/ctMemphisGetAvailGroups/



  • request [IN] - Get GetAvailGroups request in JSON format. For example:


"name": "availabilityGroup1", // optional, if provided, search

Availability Group by name

"partial": true, // optional, if provided with "name",

the search by name will look for

like "<name>%"

"id": 1, // optional, if provided, search

Availability Group by ID

"detail": 1, // optional, if not provided, assumes

detail as true

"paging": true, // optional, see Note 1

"limit": 100, // optional, see Note 1

"start": 200 // optional, see Note 1


  • result [OUT] - Result in JSON format. For example:


  • Status values can be: "inactive", "active", "stopping", "starting", "checking", "warning" or "error"
  • StatusCd values can be: 0 = "inactive", 1 = "active", 2 = "stopping", 3 = "starting", 4 = "checking", 5 = "warning" and 6 = "error"
  • ReplicaStatus values can be: "inactive", "active", "stopping", "starting", "deploying" and "paused"
  • ReplicaStatusCd values can be: 0 = "inactive", 1 = "active", 2 = "stopping", 3 = "starting", 4 = "deploying" and 5 = "paused"
  • recoverOrder shows that the replica was a primary and has been switched. When the original primary fails, it becomes a secondary during the recovery and it will be showed as 0. If the next primary also fails, it will become 1, etc.
  • transactionID log position where the failover occurred to be used as an option for a primary node restore later.
  • EngineStatus values: -1 = invalid status, 0 = inactive, 1 = active, 2 = stopping, 3 = starting, 4 = checking, 5 = active with warning, 6 = unavailable, 7 = switching AvailGroup to new primary, 8 = unmanaged

If "detail" is 1:


"availGroupList": [


"id": 1,

"name": "availGroup1",

"description": "Availability Group for ABC purposes",

"status": "active", // see "Status" note for possible values.

A status of "warning" means that there is at

least one DBEngine active, but some replicas

are missing. A status of "error" means

availability group unavailable.

"statusCode": 1, // see "EngineStatus" note for possible values

"statusTime": "2015-11-05T10:00:00",

"statusMsg": "",

"statusActionID": 132,

"isDeployed": true,

"canFailoverToAsyncReplica": true, // flag indicating to failover to an

asynchronous replica in case there

isn't a synchronous available.

Or it should fail in this scenario

"replicaStatus": "active", // see "ReplicaStatus" for possible values.

"replicaStatusCode": 1, // see "ReplicaStatus" for possible values.

"heartbeatFrequency": 2, // heartbeat frequency in seconds for

checking the replicas.

"heartbeatTimeout": 5, // number of seconds to wait with no answer

before assuming it is down.

"replicaList": [


"availGroup": 1,

"isPrimary": true, // indicates if replica is primary or secondary

"dbEngine": 2, // dbEngine identification

"dbEngineStatus": {

"id": 2,

"status": "active", // see "Status" note for possible values

"statusCode": 1, // see "EngineStatus" note for values

"statusTime": "2015-11-05T10:00:00", // when this status

has been set

"lastCheckTime": "2015-11-17T11:35:00", // last time that the

DBEngine connection

has been really tested

"acceptConn": 1, // Flag indicating that the server

accepts external connections

"readOnly": false, // Flag indicating that the server is in

ReadOnly status. It can be true, false

or never (in case it cannot be changed).

"isMemphis": 0,

"replNodeID": "", // Unique Replication Node ID

"configFilePath": "C:/temp/ctsrvr_temp.cfg",

"actionExecs": [


"type": "BASIC", // Supported types: BASIC,


"status": "active",

"threadCount": 1,

"statusTime": "2015-11-05T10:00:00"



"type": "FILE_SYSTEM",

"status": "active",

"threadCount": 4,

"statusTime": "2015-11-05T10:00:00"



"type": "REPLICATION",

"status": "active",

"threadCount": 4,

"statusTime": "2015-11-05T10:00:00"




"publication": {

"id": 0,

"name": "publication1",

"description": "Publication for ABC purposes",

"dbEngine": 2




"availGroup": 1,

"isPrimary": false,

"isSync": true,

"dbEngine": 3,

"dbEngineStatus": {

"id": 3,

"status": "active",

"statusCode": 1,

"statusTime": "2015-11-05T10:00:00",

"lastCheckTime": "2015-11-17T11:35:00",

"acceptConn": 1,

"readOnly": false,

"isMemphis": 0,

"replNodeID": "",

"actionExecs": [


"type": "BASIC",

"status": "active",

"threadCount": 1,

"statusTime": "2015-11-05T10:00:00"




"publication": {

"id": 1,

"name": "publication1",

"description": "Publication for ABC purposes",

"dbEngine": 3


"replPlan": {

"id": 0,

"name": "PLAN1",

"description": "Plan 1 description",

"sourceDBEngine": 2,

"targetDBEngine": 3,

"direction": "normal", // see "Direction" for values

"status": "active",

"statusCode": 1, // see "ReplicationStatus" for values

"statusTime": "Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001",

"statusMsg": "",

"isDeployed": false,

"latency": 22, // how many seconds behind the

Replication Plan is at the moment

"latencyTime": "Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001", // when latency was

last checked

"latencyRev": 22, // how many seconds behind the

Replication Plan reverse direction is

"latencyRevTime": "Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001" // when reverse


latency was

last checked




"availGroup": 1,

"isPrimary": false,

"isSync": false,

"dbEngine": 4,

"recoverOrder": 0,

"transactionID": 132135,

"dbEngineStatus": {

"id": 4,

"status": "inactive",

"statusCode": 1,

"statusTime": "2015-11-05T10:00:00",

"lastCheckTime": "2015-11-17T11:35:00",

"acceptConn": 1,

"readOnly": false,

"isMemphis": 0,

"replNodeID": "",

"actionExecs": [


"type": "BASIC",

"status": "active",

"threadCount": 1,

"statusTime": "2015-11-05T10:00:00"




"publication": {

"id": 2,

"name": "publication2",

"description": "Publication for ABC purposes",

"dbEngine": 0


"replPlan": {

"id": 1,

"name": "PLAN2",

"description": "Plan 2 description",

"sourceDBEngine": 2,

"targetDBEngine": 4,

"synchronous": false,

"direction": "normal",

"status": "active",

"statusCode": 1,

"statusTime": "Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001",

"statusMsg": "",

"isDeployed": false,

"latency": 22,

"latencyTime": "Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001",

"latencyRev": 22,

"latencyRevTime": "Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001"






"id": 2,

"name": "availGroup2",

"description": "Availability Group for XYZ purposes",

"status": "active",

"statusCode": 1,

"statusTime": "2015-11-05T10:00:00",

"statusMsg": "",

"statusActionID": 132,

"isDeployed": false,

"canFailoverToAsyncReplica": false,

"replicaStatus": "inactive",

"replicaStatusCode": 0,

"replicaList": [


"availGroup": 2,

"isPrimary": true,

"dbEngine": 2,

"dbEngineStatus": {

"id": 2,

"status": "active",

"statusCode": 1,

"statusTime": "2015-11-05T10:00:00",

"lastCheckTime": "2015-11-17T11:35:00",

"acceptConn": 1,

"readOnly": false,

"isMemphis": 0,

"replNodeID": "",

"actionExecs": [


"type": "BASIC",

"status": "active",

"threadCount": 1,

"statusTime": "2015-11-05T10:00:00"



"type": "FILE_SYSTEM",

"status": "active",

"threadCount": 4,

"statusTime": "2015-11-05T10:00:00"



"type": "REPLICATION",

"status": "active",

"threadCount": 4,

"statusTime": "2015-11-05T10:00:00"








"success": true,



"errorCode": 0,

"message": "Success"


"total": 2 // total number of Availability Groups for the query - see Note 1


If "detail" is 0:


"availGroupList": [


"id": 1,

"name": "availGroup1",

"description": "Availability Group for ABC purposes",

"status": "active", // see "Status" note for values

"statusCode": 1, // see "EngineStatus" note for values

"statusTime": "2015-11-05T10:00:00",

"statusMsg": "",

"statusActionID": 132,

"isDeployed": true,

"canFailoverToAsyncReplica": true, // flag indicating to failover to an

asynchronous replica if there isn't

a synchronous available. Or it should

fail in this scenario

"replicaStatus": "active",

"replicaStatusCode": 1,

"replicaList": [


"availGroup": 1,

"isPrimary": true, // indicates if the replica is the

primary or secondary

"dbEngine": 2, // dbEngine ID

"publication": 0 // publication ID



"availGroup": 1,

"isPrimary": false,

"isSync": true,

"dbEngine": 3,

"publication": 1,

"replPlan": 0



"availGroup": 1,

"isPrimary": false,

"isSync": false,

"dbEngine": 4,

"publication": 2,

"replPlan": 1,

"recoverOrder": 0,

"transactionID": 132135





"id": 2,

"name": "availGroup2",

"description": "Availability Group for XYZ purposes",

"status": "active",

"statusCode": 1,

"statusTime": "2015-11-05T10:00:00",

"statusMsg": "",

"statusActionID": 132,

"isDeployed": false,

"canFailoverToAsyncReplica": false,

"replicaStatus": "inactive",

"replicaStatusCode": 0,

"replicaList": [


"availGroup": 2,

"isPrimary": true,

"dbEngine": 2





"success": true,



"errorCode": 0,

"message": "Success"


"total": 2 // total number of Availability Groups for the query - see Note 1



Error code
