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FairCom Database Forward Roll GuideForward Roll Path Redirection

FairCom Database Rollback and Roll Forward Guide

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Forward Roll Path Redirection

While restoring from a backup with the forward roll utility, ctfdmp supports applying file name redirection rules to the file names that appear in the transaction logs. To use this feature, run ctfdmp with the !REDIRECT option, specifying the name of a text file that contains the redirection rules. For example, the following command indicates that the file redir.txt contains redirection rules:

ctfdmp !REDIRECT redir.txt

Each line in the file contains the portion of the file name to replace and its replacement. Place double quotation marks around a string if it contains spaces. A line that begins with a semicolon is ignored.


To replace an empty path with output\:

;Replace empty path with output\

"" output\

To replace Program Files(x86) with Program Files:

"Program Files(x86)" "Program Files"

To replace production\ with test\:

production\ test\
