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FairCom Database Restore GuideRunning the Recovery Utility

FairCom Database Restore Guide

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Running the Recovery Utility

The ctrdmp (ctrdmp - Backup Restore or System Rollback, Backup Restore Utility) utility provides dynamic dump recovery. This utility is itself a FairCom Server (a bound server) so there are important points to observe when running it:

  1. Be sure the particular FairCom Server undergoing a recovery is not running when ctrdmp starts. Two FairCom Servers operating simultaneously interfere with each other.
  2. Because it is a FairCom Server, ctrdmp generates temporary versions of all system files associated with a FairCom Server (i.e., files with the extension “.FCS,” as described above). Therefore, the dynamic dump file and the ctrdmp utility should be moved to a directory that is not in (or under) the FairCom Server's working directory. This is so the system files created by the recovery program will not overwrite working FairCom Server files. The temporary files are automatically deleted when recovery completes successfully unless !FORWARD_ROLL is in the recovery script. In that case, the S*.FCS files are renamed to S*.FCA and kept in the directory.

After taking these preliminary steps, do the following to recover a dynamic dump:

  1. Start ctrdmp the same way as any normal program in the environment.
  2. When prompted, enter the name of the dynamic dump script file to be used for the recovery.

    Note: The same script file used to perform the dump can be used to restore the dump. If a forward dump is planned, include the !FORWARD_ROLL keyword.

The dump recovery begins automatically and produces a series of messages reporting the progress of the recovery:

  • Each recovered, i.e., recreated, file will be listed as it is completed.
  • After all specified files have been recovered, a message is output indicating the recovery log, i.e., the transaction log, is being checked and recovered files were restored back to their state as of a given time, that is, the time the dynamic dump started.
  • A message indicating the dump recovery process finished successfully.

Note: If the dynamic dump data was encrypted with Advanced Encryption (for example, AES), then the ctsrvr.pvf password file must be present with the master key information to decrypt and play back this data.

See Also:
