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FairCom Database Restore GuideRestoring Transaction Dependent Files

FairCom Database Restore Guide

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Restoring Transaction Dependent Files

When transaction logs are used to recover, rollback (ctrdmp) or roll-forward (ctfdmp), FairCom DB scans the transaction logs to determine active transactions and to open the files that are updated. When a file cannot be opened, execution may terminate, typically with a FNOP_ERR (12) error. It is possible to utilize the SKIP_MISSING_FILES option to complete the assessment of active transactions and updated files; and the recovery/rollback/roll-forward will complete, possibly skipping operations on files that could not be opened.

However, this is not always the case as some of the files that were skipped may be created or have been renamed (or deleted), and if they are transaction dependent (TRANDEP) files, the transaction logs contain sufficient information to permit them to be properly updated. Adding SKIP_MISSING_FILES means that non-TRANDEP files may in fact be skipped even though they should have been present.

To avoid requiring SKIP_MISSING_FILES when TRANDEP files are in use, a new default (V9.1.1) behavior effectively treats TRANDEP files as though SKIP_MISSING_FILES is turned on, however, for files without TRANDEP activities, recover, rollback, or roll-forward may still terminate execution if unexpected missing files are encountered.

This behavior can be turned off by adding the COMPATIBILITY NO_AUTO_SKIP configuration keyword to the FairCom DB configuration file, ctsrvr.cfg.

Note: It is possible that an unexpected FNOP_ERR error can still occur for a TRANDEP file, however, this change should greatly reduce the number of unexpected FNOP_ERR’s.
