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FairCom Direct SQL for C and C++

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Retrieve the value of a parameter.


CTSQLRET ctsqlDECL ctsqlGetParameter(pCTSQLCMD hCmd, INTEGER index, void* buffer, INTEGER length)


ctsqlGetParameter() retrieves a parameter.

  • hCmd the command handle.
  • index the parameter number. Must be a number greater or equal zero, but less than parameter count.
  • buffer the buffer that will contain the parameter value. The buffer can be NULL if isnull is TRUE.
  • length the parameter length being passed in buffer. The proper length must be passed.


ctsqlGetParameter() returns the value of a parameter.

See Also

ctsqlGetParameterCount(), ctsqlGetParameterLength(), ctsqlGetParameterName(), ctsqlGetParameterNullFlag(), ctsqlGetParameterPrecision(), ctsqlGetParameterScale(), ctsqlGetParameterType()
