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FairCom Direct SQL for C and C++

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Move to the next batch item.


INTEGER ctsqlNextBatchItem(pCTSQLCMD hCmd)


ctsqlNextBatchItem() moves to the next item in a batch.

  • hCmd - command handle

This function must be used with ctsqlPrepareBatch(). Below is an example inserting a batch of 45 records:

int batchSize=45;

if ((eRet = ctsqlPrepareBatch(hCmd, CT_STRING_LITERAL("insert into tab250 values (?,'original')"), batchSize)) != CTSQLRET_OK)


Output("ctsqlPrepare (%d)\n", eRet);

goto Exit;


for (i = 0; i < batchSize; i++)


if ((eRet = ctsqlSetIntegerParameter(hCmd,0,CTSQL_INTEGER,false,i)) != CTSQLRET_OK)


Output("ctsqlSetIntegerParameter (%d)\n", eRet);

goto Exit;


if ((eRet = ctsqlNextBatchItem(hCmd)) < 0)


Output("Batch is full\n"t);

goto Exit;



if ((eRet = ctsqlExecute(hCmd, &hCursor)) != CTSQLRET_OK)


Output("ctsqlExecute (%d)\n", eRet);

goto Exit;



Returns batch item number (0 based). -1 if the batch buffer is full.
